Submission Guidelines

Applied Sentience is always looking for quality articles, which includes opinion pieces, book and movie reviews, photo essays interviews, poetry, short stories, and most other formats.

  • Most submissions are anywhere between 400-1500 words.  However, we often accept longer submissions that can’t be split into smaller pieces – so still ask!  Poetry, photo essays, or articles that include original videos, photography, or art under 400 words will also be considered.
  • Send a summary of your idea, not a completed article. 
  • Please send your summaries, drafts, and other materials to with “Submission” in the subject line.
  • We absolutely love pictures, especially original art work.  If you have any that you would like to include, please send them as email attachments.
  • Lastly, as a heads up, if we accept your piece and its your first one, we’ll soon be asking for a headshot and short biography.  You can look at the Staff and Contributors pages for examples.

Who Can Submit to Applied Sentience?

Applied Sentience is officially associated with the six university Humanist Chaplaincies and Communities at Yale, Harvard, Rutgers, Columbia, American, and Stanford.  Staff Writers must be current undergraduates, graduate students,  or recent alumni from those participating universities.  Contributing faculty and chaplains must also be affiliated with these universities.

However!  Submissions can be submitted from any current student or recent alumni from any university.  As long as you have a good idea we’d love to read it!